Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Secret and the Choice

Last Sunday I watched THE SECRET, courtesy of the most interesting Australian dude.
Given that I only saw part of it, this is what THE SECRET it boiled down to: The universe is governed by the law of attraction which responds to what you think and makes it true. The universe here is like the Genie, in Aladdin, which grants wishes to us humans based in what we focus our thoughts in. So if you want to make a million dollars, you take a lot of post its put them in your car, house, office and what have you and VISUALIZE that million dollars (or whatever goal) and the positive vibe that you emit when VISUALIZING that goal will make the universe arrange itself to grant your wishes. The flip side being that if you VISUALIZE and think about crappy stuff (like debt, disease, diarrhea) that will become the true too.
I cant remember the exact quote (cause you guys know I have a crappy memory ) but its something like: "Think and it becomes thing"

In the movie, everything from the fact that 10% of the world's population controls 90% of the world's wealth to the bourgeoisie and proletariat relationships of the industrial revolution is explained by: some people know this Secret (the wealthy, the happy and sophisticated) and make damn sure nobody else finds out about it – thus, condemning most people to unfortunate fates such as poverty, servitude, ignorance and having to watch The Secret, on a perfect good Sunday.
The introduction of the movie sounded like pure greed to me.
So the movie sets out to explain in - what it claimed to be - quantum physics terms the whole theory. At this point I was hungry, so we interrupted viewing. Also because none of us could understand the quantum physics terms being talked about.
Anywhoo, it is a pretty convincing argument, also a disturbing one cause I can’t make my mind up about it. Yeah, I kinda believe that good vibes bring good things. But there is no fucking way that good vibes alone will bring you a million dollars, friends, boyfriends and a parking spot (actual examples from the movie). And it sucks if people that are starving in Somalia are to be blamed for their ill fate based on the fact that they weren't able to think positive thoughts.
So I was torn. I am still torn.
I WANT to believe I am in control of my destiny to the point that all I need to do is to think it. But it seems to individualistic and self centered.

So I went to Black and White market today and the lady forgot to ring up my jacket (she rang the cheap stuff) and I walked out with a FREE 150$ - probably sweat shop made - jacket. I realized it in the car. To my surprise I though about THE SECRET - I did wish for a jacket...I have been needing one. First, I was all happy and thinking WOW this shit is insane. But now I feel terrible.

I always think about the fact that I shop at a store which probably sells sweat shop clothes - THE HYPOCRISY!! the hypocrisy!! But maybe this counts as "sticking it to the man" since I always buy the super discounted stuff. THE RATIONALIZATION OF HYPOCRISY!

but now I also have to think about THE SECRET. Is it the secret? Is it just luck? Or am I just taking advantage of the situation? I didn't take the tag off....I have been thinking about taking it back and telling them.
Along with THE SECRET I have been given a choice: Will I go about living taking whatever I can get?

1 comment:

MP said...

Keep the jacket. The Secret is that you did nothing wrong. You didn't decide to steal a jacket. You bought a jacket and they forgot to charge you for it.

Besides, don't believe that we all control our fates so completely. Sure, we can decide to be positive and/or work towards making some desire happen, but that does not mean you will get what you want.

There are far too many factors in this world to make every decision we make or everything we 'earn' self actualized. You wanted a jacket so you put it in your cart, fully expecting to pay $150. The cashier forgot to scan, or didn't see the item and it ended up in your finalized bag. Mazel tov. Enjoy the jacket.

Stop watching crappy movies. ;P