Wednesday, June 13, 2007

People who have a strong commitment and go to Pilate's class and companies that don't pay enough

See we are still complaining.

But at least this blog has enough weight that it has pissed people off enough so they don't care anymore.

We have reached "Office Space" point which dictates that getting fired is the best that can happen.

in other words its not that " the best we can do is to avoid the worse" but the best we can do is to accept the worse.


and we have yet to realize that things are actually pretty good because we have successfully - willing or unwillingly - avoided the worse - because that horse is in the tent pissing out instead of that camel pissing in (thanks professor Fischer!)

today's quote:
"So, uh, some people look at a glass and see it as half full, and other people look at a glass and say that it's a dragon"

the Daily show

1 comment:

Favolosa said...

I must nod at this one :D