Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Get Over it - another entry & "I can't sleep"; "I am back" and "yeah, honey...I am still here"

So yes, I was listening to American Life again (have no fear, dear reader! I have found something new to listen to - "Classic Tales"on Itunes). And this episode was about breaking up with somebody and "getting over it".

The part that caught my attention was: you know when you want to know as much as possible about your Ex's new boyfriend or girlfriend? According to Ira Glass (hail! Ira) the questions you ask about the partner that replaced you are a reflection of what you think about yourself.
So that got me thinking about what would I ask if Joe got a new girlfriend. And the questions came pouring down.

I would want to know if she is smart and confident. I would want to know if she has a strong self esteem, and if she is a natural leader that can lead him to the meal that he really craves....when he looks at me and says he doesn't know what he wants - as easy as she can lead an evacuation in a small commercial aircraft ( I picture her calmly helping the elderly while I scream "It's over! we are all going to die!). I wonder if she is strong and sweet. I want to know if this girl gets ready faster than I because she doesn't have to go through clothes that don't fit her anymore. And I want to know if she is careless and not cynical. I want to know if she knows the name of the Mexican president; and the biggest bone in the human body. I want to know if she smokes and drinks coffee, and if she likes Penelope Cruz.

I would want to know if she is like me. Or the exact opposite - the Anti Mari. Because, it doesn't matter how: I want him to be thinking of me.

Then Fabi reminded me of how happy we are. This whole "questions about new girlfriend" exercise showed me that I already have all that I need, so I already have what I want. There is no need to be cynical when I am happy with little.

Other news:
- My best friend can't sleep. I want to find a cure...but all I can think of is booze and a joint. If it works for me I don't see why it wouldn't work for her ....and I don't think your body can tell the difference between sleeping and passing out.
- I am planning a trip - all by myself - its not so is just that I am bad at it. I want people to be involved and perky like me...of course this does not happen. Being EMO is so much easier....maybe I will sit around and pretend I don't care and watch it crumble in front of my eyes when we are sitting stranded in Rio de Janeiro because people couldn't figure out the reservations.
- I miss my sister, a lot, the lil girl is having fun...though I wish she would respond emails and help me plan the trip. Maybe I shouldn't take her to Cabo Frio or Rio with us.
- Cha cha cha is sooo good!!go sangria :) - and "Revolutionary Booty"is trully a precious comment.
- Joe got into to Chiropractor school! proof that the world is not fair. But who cares when we are the ones getting lucky.
- And of course, Furby is back full force making her Italian presence felt in the unsuspecting IT world.

1 comment:

Favolosa said...

Furby=Faby enjoys your blogs