Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We are all ass holes my friends

I heard this statement twice this week:
"I hate how difficult and unpractical women are"
Needless to say this was said by men. I would also like to point out that I did not ask about anything related to this issue and these statements came out of nowhere.
I ignored the remarks. Until a female friend of mine, with whom I have had this conversation before, pointed out that she does believe men and women are different.
Men are concerned with basic things she said. Sex. Food. Shelter.
And women are more into the details.
I don't believe in this shit.
I believe that there are stereotypes which are reinforced and live on because people that believe in this stuff incorporate it into their behaviour bringing the stereotype to life.
I don't believe uniform, neat simple rules that classify and explain human behaviour and the world. Examples:
- Men are practical. Women are impractical
- Good things happen to good people
- The golden rule
- Men are good at Math. Women are nurturing
I wish I could believe in this neat little rules and stereotypes. But I can't. Because in my 26 years, I have gone to countless parties, clubs. I have seen men and women do unspeakable things. I have seen love bloom. I have seen people cheat. I have seen people buy and sell love and friendships. I have seen good people lie and liers tell the truth.
And the only truth is given the right circumstances:

We are all ass holes my friends.