Friday, February 1, 2008

Big Brother Decision 08

So the writers' strike continues and I was starting to freak out. What is a couch potato, TV obsessed, yours truly, Mari going to do without 30 Rock, 2.5 men and Chuck??
I would have to actually talk to my husband, call my family, work and hang out with friends - and that would really mess up my perfect little routine.
Then the networks started freaking out too putting out ridiculous shows like "The Moment of Truth"(like I care about the secrets of another white guy (in desperate need of braces) dating (surprise surprise!!) an Asian chick).
But then democracy came to the rescue!! The primaries heated up! Now, I can watch CNN instead of talking to Joe. I can even call my mom and dad to talk about American politics instead of discussing the second best issue - why, why can't our family of 4live within the same continent? No, no, no. Better not go there. And thanks to elections we are doing much better as a family discussing global warming, ridiculous Chevron profits and illegal immigration over expensive, and more importantly long, loooong distance calls, 2 family members at the time.
Even though I can't vote. I want to contribute to the greatness of this very nation.
That is right! It comes right after American Idol and stays on for 15 hours a day.
"Democrats and Republicans living in the same house competing in debates and physical challenges".
Every week the loosing party has to nominate 2 members to go to the gotlet (I know I get them shows mixed up) and the AMERICA gets to call and decides who goes!!
THAT is true democracy 'cause Giuliani don't get to quit; he HAS to go against Huckabee!!
Will Hillary and McCain make out?
NOTHING will be more effective in promoting abstinence like a good night vision, make out session featuring those two.

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