Monday, February 4, 2008

heath is a byproduct, could happiness be one too?

I was listening to NPR this morning and this guy was talking about this Healthy food craze. How Americans are obsessed with low fat, high protein, whole grains foods, uncooked foods, organic foods so on and so forth. He was mentioning what manufacturers do to food to make it low fat, how unnatural skim milk is.
Then he mentioned he hopes for a time when we will enjoy a meal together again, where the food and the company of family and friends will create an experience and health will be a byproduct of eating slowly and savoring.
Health is a byproduct. Makes sense.
Then I thought about happiness, can that be a byproduct too?
It's like everyone is obsessed.
All we think about is My job, My body, My time, My head, My relationship.
My. My. Me. Me.
The little pieces of Me and Mine that make My life.
What if we started thinking about others?
What can I do to make her feel good today?
How is she feeling? How can I cheer him up?
Maybe he needs company? What would he like to eat? Surprise them with cookies :)
Maybe that would improve our relationships and happiness would come naturally as a byproduct of our kindness and thinking of others.
I woke up today feeling a like a sucker. But now I feel good.
I am happier every time I remind myself not be an ass hole.

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